
As adults, a large part of our time is normally spent in a professional setting. Some may experience difficulties in pursuing a certain career path. You may wonder how to go about discovering a career path that suits your lifestyle, personality traits, life goals, and current life situation.


This is where a psychovocational assessment comes in. Our second centre, Sparkling Seeds, offers this service as a way to help you learn more about your unique abilities, interests, strengths, weaknesses, work style, and more. Once completed, you may discover valuable information on what kind of careers might suit you, as well as give insight into potential obstacles you might face on your professional journey.



First, the Psychologist will sit down with you for an interview. The interview will gather information which includes discussing your history and present issues. After, we go on to the testing portion of the assessment. Because every client is different, the exact measures used in the assessment are catered to you. This type of assessment examines how you think, learn, work, and apply your knowledge.


When the assessment is completed, the Psychologist will take some time to go through everything they learned to develop a detailed report. The Psychologist will sit down again for another meeting to review the report with you which may include discussing your personality, work style, career recommendations, and more.



我们理解第一步可能很困难,所以我们提供免费咨询来帮助您开始。您可以在线预约或致电 联系我们 直接联系我们。请 致电我们的工作人员 如果您有任何问题。