
Benefits of Family Counselling and How It Works | Hopewoods Psychotherapy & Consulting Services

Are you and your partner in the process of separation or divorce? Are you in search of LGBTQIA+ support, in preparation of coming out to your family? Are there communication issues within the family? Do you feel you and your family are having a tough time understanding each other? These are examples of situations where […]

寻求夫妻治疗的 12 大理由

The Top 12 Reasons to Seek Couples Therapy | Hopewoods Psychotherapy & Consulting Services

When it’s going well, a strong, healthy relationship can be an incredible support through life’s toughest moments. When you feel love, trust, and a deep bond with another person, it’s almost as if you have a personal cheerleader, someone who will support you through thick and thin. Together, you celebrate your wins and get through […]

关于 EMDR 治疗的常见问题

Frequently Asked Questions About EMDR Therapy | Hopewoods Psychotherapy & Consulting Services

Have you been feeling numb or emotionally detached? Are you pushing away others, or dealing with relationship issues? If you have had trouble sleeping lately, or been feeling extra jumpy or anxious, or you’re having issues trusting people while feeling depressed, lonely, and alienated, it’s all right. There is hope. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing […]

DBT 还是 CBT?如何选择最适合您心理健康需求的谈话疗法

DBT or CBT? How to Choose the Best Talk Therapy for Your Mental Health Needs | Hopewoods Psychotherapy & Consulting Services

Talk therapy has been shown to be an extremely effective way for people to manage and overcome life’s more difficult periods. Whether you’re dealing with a chronic mental health challenge such as depression or anxiety, enduring a period of grief after a loss, or are going through something else entirely, there’s an undeniable power in […]


New to Therapy Sessions? Questions to Ask Your New Psychotherapist | Hopewoods Psychotherapy & Consulting Services

How are you feeling lately? Maybe you’ve gone through a big life change and it’s overwhelming and exhausting. Was therapy or counselling recommended to you recently? By choosing to go to therapy, you’re choosing to invest in yourself and in your mental health. You’re spending not only time and money, but also a lot of […]

创伤后应激障碍 101:基础知识、征兆以及为何最好寻求专业帮助

PTSD 101: Basics, Signs, and Why It's Best to Seek Professional Help | Hopewoods Psychotherapy & Consulting Services

There are events and moments in everyone’s life that creates stress to different extents. Tight deadlines at work, juggling multiple classes at school, or taking care of children can all cause stress in the mind. However, there’s another type of stress that looks very different from these day-to-day troubles. When we’re exposed to an extremely […]


The Love Languages Part 2: The Love Languages of Neurodivergent People | Hopewoods Psychotherapy & Consulting Services

Do you and/or your partner identify as neurodivergent? Do you regularly express affection to your partner? How well is affection received in your relationships? Do you find yourself arguing over your needs being met? Are your needs being met? Perhaps you’re familiar or vaguely familiar with the 5 love languages and how someone likes to […]


The Love Languages Part 1: The 5 Most Commonly Known | Hopewoods Psychotherapy & Consulting Services

How regularly do you express affection to your partner? How well is your affection received?   Perhaps you haven’t been communicating your affection the way your partner wishes to receive it. The language of love, i.e. feelings and good intentions, can be lost in translation when you and your partner don’t speak the same love language. […]


7 Benefits of Choosing Hopewoods for Your Mental Health Care Needs | Hopewoods Psychotherapy & Consulting Services

In 2022, more than 5 million Canadians met the criteria for a mood, anxiety, or substance use disorder. [Source] There’s been a significant uptick in people with mental health concerns over the past decade, leading many to turn to services such as psychotherapy and counselling. However, with so many mental healthcare practitioners in Toronto and […]