ADHD 101: Signs, Challenges, and How Therapy Can Help

We have some questions for you: do you or your child have trouble concentrating on a single task? Does it take you a few hours to do something that should only take a few minutes? Have you noticed your child is having trouble sitting still? Are you constantly fidgeting with your hoodie strings or find […]
How to Do Your Psychotherapy ‘Homework’ and Move Forward on Your Path to Recovery

When we think of homework, we usually think of the school or university days when we’re given a page of math problems, or a giant essay about a topic we really would wish to forget about. When you’re struggling, it can take courage to reach out for help when you need it, including seeking out […]
Benefits of Psychotherapy Sessions for Students

Are you attending school currently, or are you raising a student? In today’s world, we are undergoing a shift in the way we approach mental health concerns, which are not only more prominent in today’s schools, but also these concerns can create a variety of problems for those schools. Students that struggle within themselves may […]
What is a Learning Difference? Signs, and How to Get Help

Learning—particularly in school—is an essential part of growing up. School offers kids the chance to pick up foundational skills, develop those abilities, discover their passions, and ultimately unlock the things they’re good at and passionate about. In recent decades, though, we’ve begun to learn more about the different ways that children learn, and have started […]
How to Help Your Child with Back-To-School Anxiety

As we approach the end of summer vacation, we suggest you take a closer look at your child or teen and their reaction as they get ready to go back to school. Do they seem uneasy when the conversation turns towards getting ready for back-to-school? Have school supply shopping trips become chaotic? Is tension seeming […]
Benefits of Outdoors & Nature for Mental Health

Throughout human history, we have existed within nature, just as much a part of the outdoors as the trees, the animals, and everything else on our planet. But in more recent decades, our connection to nature has been shifted. Between our responsibilities to work and the comforts of modern life, many of us find ourselves […]
Summertime Blues or Chronic Depression? Signs It’s Time to Seek Professional Help

Summer is usually an exciting time for families. Children are out of school and parents are finally able to go on a summer vacation. Summer should be a time that’s fun and relaxing…right? What if you can’t seem to get out of a low funk, or your stress levels feel higher? Have you been isolating […]
Redefining Self-Care: What It Actually Means and How to Truly Use It

We’ve all heard about the idea of self-care as it relates to our mental health. Time and time again, we’re advised to look after ourselves, regularly do things that make us happy, and work the practice of self-care into our daily routines. However, in our current world where life’s responsibilities can pile up, the idea […]
Does Your Child Have ASD? Learn the Signs and How to Seek Guidance

Are you noticing your child isn’t exactly acting like other children? Maybe their form of play is lining up their toys in a specific way, or they have an extremely specific interest in a thing or subject. Is your child not speaking yet? Do they not seem interested in a game of peek-a-boo? Does your […]
Do’s and Don’ts for Parents Involved with Child and Teen Therapy

For parents of kids and teens going to therapy for the first time, the process can feel unfamiliar, and perhaps a little confusing. You’ve taken the crucial first step in supporting their mental health, so you already know how beneficial therapy can be for your child. However, there’s something you might not be sure about: […]