About Hopewoods

We understand choosing to heal and recover can be one of the most important decisions that we make in our life.
Therefore, choosing the right person to walk with you and assist the process can be a crucial decision.
At Hopewoods Psychotherapy and Consulting Services, you will meet over 30 therapists who are trained with different modalities and specialized in different areas. From focusing the cognitive process to emotional feelings, from individual issues to couples or family difficulties, from treating old traumas to preparing to move on to a brighter future, from (re)building an intimate relationship with our partner to reconnecting with our children, Hopewoods can match you with a therapist that fits your needs.

Mandy Li Wen Fang

M.S.W., R.P.
Clinical Director & Founder

As the Clinical Director and the founder of Hopewoods, Mandy Li Wen Fang has earned her credentials as a registered social worker, registered clinical counsellor, and a registered psychotherapist in the Province of Ontario (CRPO). She has 17 years of experience serving vulnerable populations in the greater Toronto area.

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Tsz Kan Kandy Wong


Registered Social Worker

Provides Service to:

Areas of Focus:

Depression, Anxiety, Life transition, Special needs (developmental issues), Anger management, Family,…
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Pik Chui Irene Leung


Registered Social Worker

Provides Service to:

Areas of Focus:

Depression, Anxiety, Special needs (developmental issues), Parenting, Adjustment issues (newcomers), Self-esteem related issues…
Danyue Arianna Wang’s

Danyue Arianna Wang


Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Provides Service to:

Areas of Focus:

Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Special needs (developmental issues), Family, Life coaching, Relationship issues …
Zhuziyi Liang

Zhuziyi Liang, B.A.


Provides Service to:

No Information

Areas of Focus:

Johnson Zhong

Johnson Zhong

M.Div., R.P.(Q.)

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Provides Service to:

Areas of Focus:

Anxiety, Life transition, Internet/ gaming addiction, Substance use (drug, marijuana, alcohol, etc)…
Xu (Syd) Liu

Xu Syd Liu

M.Ed, R.P.(Q.)

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Provides Service to:

Areas of Focus:

Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Life transition, Special needs (developmental issues)…
Kelly Tam

Kar Yee Kelly Tam

R.P., R.P.T

Registered Play Therapist (Association for Play Therapy)

Provides Service to:

Areas of Focus:

Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Life transition, Special needs (developmental issues)…
Mitasha Bhalla

Mitasha Bhalla


Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Life transition, Aging related issues, Eating disorder…
Jinglan Xie

Jinglan Xie

M.A., R.P.(Q.)

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Xiaoqing Guo

Xiaoqing Guo

M.A., R.P.(Q.)

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Life transition, Substance use (drug, marijuana, alcohol, etc)…

Chunfang Zhang

B.S.N., R.N.

Registered Nurse Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Substance use…
Caleb Tse

Caleb Tse

M.Div., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen

Areas of Focus:

Trauma, Depression, Internet/ gaming addiction, Couple, Family…
Shui Zhu Cindy Li

Shui Zhu (Cindy) Li

M.Div., R.P. (Q)

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Self-development, Parenting styles, Couple relationships…
Sherry Jiang

Sherry Jiang

R.P. (Q)


Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Trauma-related, Mindfulness, Accident-related…
Maggie Yim

Maggie Yim

M.A., M.Div., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Panic Attacks, Work Issues, Cultural Adjustment…
Jinxia Li

Lesley Jinxia Li

M.S.W., R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Cross-cultural concerns, Anger management, LGBTQ+…
Xiaobing (Jane) Xu

Xiao Bing (Jane) Xu

EFCT Certified Therapist, R.P.(Q.), M.B.A., M.Div.

Psychotherapy/Counselling/Life Coach/Parenting Coach

Provides Service to:

Areas of Focus:

Relationship issues, Marital and Premarital, Trauma and PTSD, Anxiety…
Jeff Zifeng Pang

Jeff Zifeng Pang

M.Ed., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Partner assault, Anger management, Addiction…
Bohan Zhang

Bohan Zhang


Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Nature therapy, Mindfulness, Person-centres, Emotional-focused, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy…
Ruichun Tang

Ruichun Tang

M.S.W., R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen, Preteen

Areas of Focus:

Chronic pain, Suicidality, Insomnia, Depression, Relationship issues, Self-harm…
Ishi Wang

Ishi Wang

M.S.W., R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen, Preteen

Areas of Focus:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and commitment, Emotional-focused…
Carole Liu

Carole Liu


Life/Parenting Coach

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen, Preteen, Children (6-10)

Areas of Focus:

Early childhood parenting, Family relationships, Cultural integration…
Haiying Bai

Haiying Bai


Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen

Areas of Focus:

Special needs, Relationship issues, Family…
James Wong

James Wong

M.A., R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen

Areas of Focus:

Vulnerable population, Special educational needs, Criminal behaviours…
Amy Lo

Amy Lo

M.A., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Special needs, Vulnerable population, Bipolar disorder, Parenting issues, Trauma…
Sharon Xiaorong Zong

Sharon Zong

M.S.W, R.S.W., R.P.

Registered Social Worker, Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen

Areas of Focus:

Domestic Abuse, Pregnancy, Prenatal, Postpartum, Teen Violence…
Yandong (Carol) Xiang

Yandong (Carol) Xiang

M.S.W., R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Grief, Mood disorders, Trauma and PTSD, Mental health issues, Anxiety disorders…
Tan Weijia

Weijia Tan

M.S.W., Ph.D., R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen

Areas of Focus:

Depression, Anxiety, Life transition, Aging related issues, Couple, Family, Grief and loss,…
Tsz Ming Tsang

Tsz Ming Tsang

M.S.W., R.S.W., R.P.

Registered Social Worker, Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Mental health issues, Anxiety, Depression…
Stacy Hsu

Stacy Hsu

M.S.W., R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen

Areas of Focus:

Alcohol Use, Obesity, Suicidal Ideation…
Natalie Han

Natalie Han

M.S.W., R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen

Areas of Focus:

Anxiety, Depression, Relationship difficulties…
Dr. Julia Yee

Dr. Julia Yee

B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D, RP(Q)

Clinical Counsellor, Life/Parenting Coach

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Parenting, Family relationships, Grief and loss…
Chelsea Zhu

Chelsea Zhu

M.Ed., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen

Areas of Focus:

University students, Relationship issues, Anxiety…
Xiaolan Yang

Xiaolan Yang

M.Ed., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Stress management, Post-traumatic growth, Mindfulness…

Dr. Jian P. Su

Ed.D, R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Emotional Disturbance, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Women’s issues…
Yvonne Ma

Yvonne Ma

M.A.S.W., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Relationship issues, Newcomers, Cultural transition, Family-centered…
Elden Leung

Elden Leung

M.A., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist, Clinical Director and Supervisor

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen, Preteen, Children (6-10)

Areas of Focus:

Marital and Premarital, Grief, Substance Use…
Sandra Kwok Sin Li

Sandra Kwok Sin Li

M.S.W., R.S.W., R.P.

Resigtered Social Worker, Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Student counselling, Personal and relational challenges, Children and youth at risks…
Renee Jim

Renee Jim


Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:


Areas of Focus:

Low self-esteem, Intimate partner violence, Bereavement…
Sunny Hu

Sunny Hu

M.Div (CP)., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist

Provides Service to:

Adults, Teen

Areas of Focus:

Suicidal, Personal and spiritual development, Spiritual Formation…

Book a consultation

Would you like to start working with Mandy’s team as your assigned psychotherapist? Book a free 20-minute consultation today to see if we are the best fit for you and your loved ones’ needs.